The Kinebik property straddles over 40 km of strike along the prolific auriferous Casa Berardi trend, which extends over 400 km in the northern part of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. Along its length, there are five mining districts including the +5.0M oz Au world-class Casa Berardi deposit, the Douay deposit (3.0M oz Au at 1.1 g/t Au), and the Vezza deposit (0.3M oz Au at 5.6 g/t Au). The Kinebik property is easily accessible all year round through the main roads to Matagami and Chibougamau cities.
Geology and Mineralization
The Kinebik Project covers the Casa Berardi break and adjacent iron formations, the same formations present at the Casa Berardi mine. The project totals 30,694.76 hectares and offers promising discovery potential based on their strategic geological location, confirmed gold occurrences, and limited historical drilling.
The Globex property acquired in December 2023 totals 8,220.72 hectares and covers a number of prospective structures. One of them, the Cameron Lake deformation zone, is a structural zone up to 5.7 km wide and forming part of the wider Casa Berardi break corridor. There are three deposits directly west of Cameron, namely Discovery (0.5M oz Au), Flordin (0.3M oz Au) and Cartwright (0.03M oz Au), all of which are hosted by the Cameron Lake deformation zone.
The Kinebik block, acquired from New Origin in May 2023, sums 14,636.49 hectares and covers over 30 km of strike along the Casa Berardi trend, 150 km east of the Casa Berardi mine.
The Desjardins Property, acquired from SOQUEM in September 2024, covers a total area of 2,186.76 hectares.
Exploration by O3 Mining
O3 Mining consolidated the Kinebik Project through acquisitions and open staking. Compilation of existing exploration data was completed in the Spring of 2024. Mapping, prospecting, and soil geochemical surveys were completed in the Summer of 2024.
O3 Mining is preparing for a 2,000 m DDH program to be completed in Q4 2024 with a focus on the southeastern section of the property labeled the “Cameron Sector”. Additional drilling is possible as a follow up to attractive exploration results.